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Plantes fleuries dans un village

This association's mission is to flourish and maintain the green spaces of the town. The team is made up of professional gardeners, amateurs and volunteers.


To finance the flowering of the village, the association very regularly organizes events within the town (ex: many lotteries, Beaujolais Nouveau evening, Christmas market, New Year's Eve, spring day, etc.).


Let's also not forget the recovery of scrap metal deposited in the dumpster at the Mayor's, which brings in revenue of nearly €500 each year. We would like to thank all those who have this recycling reflex while benefiting the municipality.


If you are passionate about gardening, do not hesitate to inquire with the association. And if you want to participate in the floral embellishment of the town, you are welcome!



President: Christian PAGNOT

Vice-president: Mathias TEYSSOU

Treasurer: Brigitte SAUER

Secretary: Roselyne CAROLO

Assistant Secretary: Maryse GOURPIL


Contact details

06 61 81 46 06

Thousand Flower Bouquet

The Thousand Flower Bouquet

Les chasseurs et les chiens

Our community

It is the members of our community who make Town Hall an exceptional place. We are a group made up of people with varied backgrounds, and with different interests and lifestyles. But we all have one thing in common: we are proud to live in Lévignac de Guyenne.

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